30 Stylish Pixie Cuts for Wavy Hair to Try in 2024

Ladies with finished hair can once in a while feeling that they need to forego overly short styles since medium length hair will be unflattering to their twist design or excessively thick and boisterous around the face.

Be that as it may, with the correct cut and shading deceives, you can make your twists work for you. There are excellent 30 instances of winning pixie hairstyles for wavy hair underneath.

With wavy hair, you may go for additional short sides and scruff, an awry pixie, or a pixie-sway. Pick as indicated by your twist example and face shape. Here are the recommendations.


Best Wavy Pixie Cuts

Gentle Side Waves

pixie with auburn brown wavy hair

This pixie cut for wavy hair has the hair gently pushed to one side in rippling waves that add a wonderful texture to the hair. The hair is a very nice, even length at the sides and around the back, and the front has a hint of volume.


Rolling Curly Bangs

wavy pixie cut for blonde hair

This pixie bob haircut has a single strand of curls following across the forehead in a perfect shape, while the rest of the hair has more volume and has looser waves. It’s a longer pixie cut style that’s very fashionable, soft, and delightfully fluffy.


Longer Bangs with Gentle Waves

short brunette pixie with wavy hair

Here is a pixie cut for wavy hair that is very short in the back and cropped tightly to the neck with just a hint of thickness, but then it gets thicker as the wavy texture comes in on top. Towards the front, the hair is longer, with wavy bangs brushing the eyebrows.


Bring Pink Wavy Pixie

pixie cut with wavy pink hair